Sunday, 9 March 2014

Write a program that prepares rank list of a class of students using pointers and two dimensional arrays.

Write a program that prepares rank list of a class of students using pointers and two dimensional arrays.

Code for Preparation of the rank list of a class of students using pointers and two dimensional arrays in C Programming

#define  STUDENTS  5                                             
  #define  SUBJECTS  4                                             
  #include <string.h>                                              
    char name[STUDENTS][20];                                     
    int  marks[STUDENTS][SUBJECTS+1];                    
    printf("Input students names & their marks in four subjects\n");
    get_list(name, marks, STUDENTS, SUBJECTS);                   
    get_sum(marks, STUDENTS, SUBJECTS+1);                        
    get_rank_list(name, marks, STUDENTS, SUBJECTS+1);            
    printf("\nRanked List\n\n");                                 
/*   Input student name and marks        */
       get_list(char *string[ ],                                   
            int array [ ] [SUBJECTS +1], int m, int n)                                       
       int   i, j, (*rowptr)[SUBJECTS+1] = array;                   
       for(i = 0; i < m; i++)                                       
          scanf("%s", string[i]);                                   
          for(j = 0; j < SUBJECTS; j++)                             
             scanf("%d", &(*(rowptr + i))[j]);                      
   /*    Compute total marks obtained by each student   */
   get_sum(int array [ ] [SUBJECTS +1], int m, int n)             
       int   i, j, (*rowptr)[SUBJECTS+1] = array;                   
       for(i = 0; i < m; i++)                                       
          (*(rowptr + i))[n-1] = 0;                                 
          for(j =0; j < n-1; j++)                                   
             (*(rowptr + i))[n-1] += (*(rowptr + i))[j];            
   /*    Prepare rank list based on total marks      */
   get_rank_list(char *string [ ],                                  
                 int array [ ] [SUBJECTS + 1]                      
                 int m,                                           
                 int n)                                    
     int i, j, k, (*rowptr)[SUBJECTS+1] = array;                  
     char *temp;                                                  
     for(i = 1; i <= m-1; i++)                                    
        for(j = 1; j <= m-i; j++)                                 
           if( (*(rowptr + j-1))[n-1] < (*(rowptr + j))[n-1])     
            swap_string(string[j-1], string[j]);                 
            for(k = 0; k < n; k++)                               
            swap_int(&(*(rowptr + j-1))[k],&(*(rowptr+j))[k]); 
   /*      Print out the ranked list            */
   print_list(char *string[ ],                                   
              int array [] [SUBJECTS + 1],                       
              int m,                                               
              int n)                                       
       int  i, j, (*rowptr)[SUBJECTS+1] = array;                    
       for(i = 0; i < m; i++)                                       
          printf("%-20s", string[i]);                               
          for(j = 0; j < n; j++)                                    
             printf("%5d", (*(rowptr + i))[j]);                     
   /*     Exchange of integer values              */
   swap_int(int *p, int *q)                                 
       int  temp;                                                   
       temp = *p;                                                   
       *p   = *q;                                                   
       *q   = temp;                                                 

   /*     Exchange of strings         */
   swap_string(char s1[ ], char s2[ ])                     
       char  swaparea[256];                                         
       int   i;                                                     
       for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)                                     
          swaparea[i] = '\0';                                       
       i = 0;                                                       
       while(s1[i] != '\0' && i < 256)                              
          swaparea[i] = s1[i];                                      
       i = 0;                                                       
       while(s2[i] != '\0' && i < 256)                              
          s1[i] = s2[i];                                            
          s1[++i] = '\0';                                           
       i = 0;                                                       
       while(swaparea[i] != '\0')                                   
          s2[i] = swaparea[i];                                      
          s2[++i] = '\0';                                           
   Input students names & their marks in four subjects              
   S.Laxmi 45 67 38 55                                              
   V.S.Rao 77 89 56 69                                              
   A.Gupta 66 78 98 45                                              
   S.Mani 86 72 0 25                                                
   R.Daniel 44 55 66 77                                             
   S.Laxmi                45   67   38   55  205                    
   V.S.Rao                77   89   56   69  291                    
   A.Gupta                66   78   98   45  287                    
   S.Mani                 86   72    0   25  183                    
   R.Daniel               44   55   66   77  242                    
   Ranked List                                                      
   V.S.Rao                77   89   56   69  291                    
   A.Gupta                66   78   98   45  287                    
   R.Daniel               44   55   66   77  242                    
   S.Laxmi                45   67   38   55  205                    
   S.Mani                 86   72    0   25  183 

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